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Prolactin (PROL)


Prolactin (PROL) is a hormone primarily produced by the anterior pituitary gland, playing a key role in lactation. Its main function is to stimulate milk production in the mammary glands after childbirth, ensuring that the mother can feed her newborn. Prolactin levels naturally rise during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with its release being regulated by the hypothalamus, specifically through the inhibition by dopamine.


Beyond its role in lactation, prolactin has over 300 different functions in the body, including roles in metabolism, immune system regulation, and reproductive health. It influences behaviors related to parenting and bonding and has effects on the menstrual cycle by suppressing ovulation during breastfeeding. Elevated prolactin levels, known as hyperprolactinemia, can lead to conditions such as infertility, irregular menstrual cycles in women, and erectile dysfunction in men. Treatment for prolactin-related disorders often involves addressing the underlying cause or using medication to normalize levels.

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